
4月 2丹佛大都会州立大学宣布at 2020年夏季的大部分课程将转移到网上. 这一决定是为了保证学生的健康和安全, 同时也为他们提供了一条通往毕业的道路, as well as to eliminate uncertainty in the registration process 和 学术 planning. This page will be updated with the latest information, so 请 check back regularly.



  • 所有班级 Maymester (5月26日至6月6日),为期8周的夏季学期(6月8日至8月). 1)第一个5周的夏季学期 (5月2日66月27日) 将 转到在线格式.  
  • The second 5-week summer term will include both 在线 courses (June 29-Aug. 1)及部分面对面课程(7月6日至8月). 8).  
  • The face-to-face course offerings will be reserved for classes that rely heavily on labs 和 field experience, with our hope being that some in-person instruction will be available by that time.


我已经注册了2020年夏季的课程. 我需要重新注册吗? 

  • No. If any changes need to be made to courses 你 是 regist之前d for, the Office of the 注册商 will do that for 你 和 notify 你 of change. 皇冠官网网站期待着你今年夏天入学!



  • 有些课程原本是面对面的, 校内课程将在网上授课, 而是同步的——意思, 你 will log on 和 learn “live” during the same block of time 你r course was previously scheduled. Students in these courses will pay the same fees they would have paid as a face-to-face student.  
  • 有些课程原本是面对面的, 校内课程将在网上授课, 但这是不同步的——这意味着你们不会在特定的时间见面 次,但 will need to meet certain deadlines that 你r faculty instructor sets. 这些课程的学生将在网上支付学费.  
  • Students regist之前d in courses that w之前 originally scheduled to be 在线 will continue to pay 在线 student fees. 


什么是同步 在线 class? 

  • 一个同步 在线 class meets at a set time each week in the same way an in-person class would. 与此形成鲜明对比的是, “异步在线类”是指students access course materials at a time of their choosing 和 是 not required to interact with one another (or the instructor) at set times.


How will I know if my 在线 class is synchronous or asynchronous? 

  • Synchronous courses will appear as “synchronous” 和 “在线” in the Student Hub (see image below). 异步课程将被列为在线课程. 这一变化将于4月10日实施. 请在此日期之后查看您的日程安排 信息 c课程交付方式.



如果我还没这么做,我应该这么做 我现在就报名参加暑期班,还是再等等?  

  • 到4月10日, 课程安排将会完全更新. 皇冠官网网站鼓励你 在学生中心注册课程 当时!  
  • Summer session is a great time to get ahead in 你r studies 和 to make sure 你 是 graduating on time. 


这是否意味着学生服务s 行政办公室要到秋天才会重新开放? 

  • We expect campus operations will return to normal at some point this summer. 
  • 在那之前, 许多 services 是 available 在线, including the 咨询中心, 金融援助, Tutoring Center, Auraria 图书馆、LGBTQ学生资源中心 和 其他人. 



  • 是的. 财政援助办公室是开放的,随时准备 协助 你. 请致电303-556-8593或发电子邮件 (电子邮件保护). 
  • 财政援助顾问  available for one-on-one 协助ance 和 appointments can be scheduled through the 导航平台. 安排约会时, 请 be sure to indicate 你r preferred method of contact 和 communication (email, phone, 视频会议平台, 等.) 
  • 找到 更多资料请参阅 关于Fi的常见问题nancial援助 h之前.


与whom 我该说些什么? 如果我有更多的问题?  

  • 教授或专业顾问 最好从哪里开始.  
  • 的主席 the 学术 department offering course or courses in question would be the next person to contact. 
  • 关于经济援助等主题的具体问题 或登记, 请 联系同一间办公室s 如果学校是开放的,你会的.



  • No. 及格/不及格政策放宽了 spring 2020 semester only as a reflection of the anxiety students felt when the University moved all its courses 在线 in the middle of the semester. 2020年夏季学期, the st和ard Pass/Fail policy is in place (see 你r Catalog for more information).  


Will th之前 be face-to-face classes for the fall 2020 semester?  

  • We expect campus operations will return to normal at some point this summer 和 that fall classes will be available to students in whichever format they feel is best suited to meet their educational goals. 鉴于 所有的 发生的变化,皇冠官网网站会更新你应该这个 信息变化. 请经常阅读您的电子邮件,以了解最新的任何变化.


我怎样才能获得住房或食品不安全方面的帮助, 或者找到其他资源来帮助我留在学校?  

  • Please contact the Student C是 Center to discuss 你r needs by the calling 303-615-0006, emailing (电子邮件保护) 或提交 保健咨询 这样案件经理就可以跟你联系了. 


I have never taken an 在线 course 和 I don’t feel prep是d to succeed. 我该怎么办??   

  • 你并不孤单. Approximately half of our students have completed an 在线 class at 密歇根州立大学丹佛, 这意味着一半的人没有.  
  • 刚接触在线学习的学生应该访问 ofx.unpopperuno.com/technology/在线ready/ 为了适应环境.  
  • 也, 请 continue to be flexible 和 empathetic to 你r instructors as 许多, 像你这样的, 更喜欢面对面的指导. 然而, we want to ensure 你r 学术 progress 和 help 你 reach 你r personal 和 professional goals after graduation the best way that we can. 
  • A在这里可以找到更多的支持 丹佛州立大学学生在线课程常见问题解答.


我怎么联系他 学术 顾问?  

访问皇冠官网网站的 学术咨询网站 for more 信息 你r 顾问 和 how to schedule an 在线 appointment.


If 我是一个 student with a disability, how can I request accommodations for my 在线 courses?  

  • If 你 是 already regist之前d with the Access Center, 你 can submit an accommodation request form: ofx.unpopperuno.com/access 
  • 如果您目前没有在访问中心注册, 请联系他们安排一个虚拟预约, 303-615-0200 or (电子邮件保护). 
  • Students who 是 diagnosed with COVID-19 should follow official guidance from their health c是 provider 和 工作 individually with their instructors to discuss any impacts to course工作. 如果你的情况有特殊的情况, such as an interaction with pre-existing condition or requires prolonged hospitalization, 请联系访问中心讨论可能的选项. 




What will hourly student jobs look like for the summer 2020 term? When will spring student employees know if we can renew our employment for summer? 

A lot of this will depend on what the dem和 for employment is on campus (remote campus). We will follow our usual deadlines 和 guidelines for the summer term employment (credit enrollment requirement, 奖, 等.). The HR Student Employment team is 工作ing closely with the 金融援助 Office 和 will announce important opening 和 closing deadline dates when the information becomes available. 



在休息时间,你每周可以工作40个小时. This is, of course, dependent on 你r award, 和 the department needs/approval. During non-breaks 你 cannot exceed 30 hours a week (th之前 是 r是 exceptions to this rule 和 approval must go through the Provost 和 HR office). 


I’m a tutor at 密歇根州立大学丹佛 和 dem和 is going to spike toward the end of the semester; can I 工作 40 hours a week, 尤其是我丢了第二份工作之后? 

在学校休息时间之外,你一周不能超过30个小时. Weekly hours 是 set by the needs of the employing department 和 any limitations 你r award may have as well as Student Employment policies.