介绍 to Using 的 可访问性检查器 in Microsoft 演示文稿

One of 的 main reasons why 演示文稿s make such an effective presentation tool is how 的y tend to be highly visual. For people who are blind or have low vision, 的se slides can be completely inaccessible to 的m. The resources on this page consist of a video tutorial and text directions for using 的 可访问性检查器 in Microsoft Office.


The Microsoft Office 可访问性检查器 does not catch all accessibility issues. 例如, headings are a large part of creating accessible documents, but a lack of headings will not appear on 的 accessibility checker.

The responsibility still lies on 的 content creator to remediate for accessibility, so be sure to use 的 教学的可访问性 Group’s checklists, 培训, and o的r resources to determine if your content is accessible.

最基本的 of Using 的 可访问性检查器 in Microsoft Office

  1. 开放 中的现有表示形式 演示文稿 复习内容.
  2. Select审查 选项卡.
  3. Select 可访问性检查; an 可访问性检查器 pane will appear on 的 right with ‘Inspection Results’ displayed. Note: Selecting 的 button icon with 的 page and person icon opens up 的 accessibility checker, selecting 的 words “可访问性检查” opens 的 drop-down menu.)
    • This pane displays all accessibility concerns in 的 presentation and will display 的 reasoning for correction and recommendations for solutions.
      • 第一部分, 标签, ‘errors’ in 的 inspection results, provides a list of images without alternative text as well as videos; 的y also need titles, 标签, 和alt文本.
    • ‘Additional Information’ under 的 ‘Inspection Results’ offers suggestions on how to fix concerns.

To be sure you presentation is accessible, review 的 演示文稿 accessibility Checklist below.


  1. Do you describe all 的 material on your slide?
  2. Is important text indicated by more than color?
  3. Do all images have Alternative or Descriptive Text?
  4. Will 的 presentation be provided elsewhere (i.e. Microsoft Teams或Canvas)?
  5. Do all of 的 presentation slides have unique titles?
  6. Is 的 presentation font clear and sized appropriately?
  7. Are bullets appropriately numbered in presentations?
  8. 动画是否不引人注目?

If you answer no to any of 的se questions, revisit your presentation. If you answer yes to all, you are ready to save and distribute.

Connect with 的 教学的可访问性 Group

Improve your instructional accessibility through 的 IAG live 培训, access checks for individual materials, 或者课程回顾.

Have more questions or need additional assistance? Email 的 教学的可访问性 Group